Crises & Emergencies Training B
What is the Crises & Emergencies Training B?
It is the intermediate training step in our CRISES & EMERGENCY Program, where participants learn and experiment with our skills on the field for an extended period of time. It is five days of training on the field experiencing and responding to the critical event using the very best skills and the techniques. The participants are constantly monitored by highly trained (or skilled) personnel to learn and experience how to perceive their environment and to how to think about it in a new way, how to prepare and the techniques necessary to confront every situation, in a natural and/or semi-urban location.
The methodology is based on the X_Sphere© multidimensional matrix and on XERDAN experiences in the field. It's not about conventional survival as intended in other approaches, but it is a thorough approach sensitive to people’s needs.
What do we teach?
It will teach many techniques known by Native people and military personnel from all over the world ranging from how to confidently face different challenges to how to remain cool-headed (calm) in the wild. This training is meant to give the opportunity to use all the techniques learned during the seminars of the CRISES & EMERGENCY Program – including how to use strategies from the ancient school of Sun Tzu - to improve our relationship with nature and learn how to defend ourselves and protect our loved ones.
The topics will include how to plan for and how to manage in an emergency, both individually as well as in a group, with an overall vision that improves the ability to deal with difficult situations. It will include natural and human-induced crises, in natural and urban environments, taking into account personal and collective values and goals, emotional needs, practical techniques and thinking in crises and emergencies. The BLS (Basic Life Support) and the PBLS (Pediatric Basic Life Support) certifications are included in the training.
We will share and experiment with valuable and necessary information on how to prepare, how to respond and improvise, acquiring knowledge on:
- WHAT AN EMERGENCY IS and the different TYPES OF EMERGENCIES that exist
- PREPAREDNESS: how to prepare an emergency equipment (clothes, shelter, tools)
- ORIENTEERING: how to position ourselves in space and time (using or making compasses, reading or making maps, understanding nature as if it were your compass)
- LEADERSHIP & TEAMWORK: how to THINK in a critical event, for ourselves and others
- FOOD & WATER: how to find and treat water and food<
- PLANTS: how to recognize edible plants
- HEALTH: what we should know about our body's needs during emergency situations
- COMMUNICATION: how and why we should improve our internal and external communication
- SECURITY: how to protect ourselves and our group
- STRATEGY & TACTICS: how to project our life - and that of our beloved ones - into the future
How is the training organized?
The CRISES & EMERGENCIES TRAINING B can be organized during the week, including a weekend, or during holidays, it can be organized also according to specific timing requests. It can be held in specific locations all over the world but usually is based on the beautiful island of Malta, and in the fields of Sardinia.
Who is it for?
The CRISES & EMERGENCIES TRAINING B is meant for civilians (irrespective of age or gender),for companies, administrations, schools, communities, and for those who are interested in being prepared in every situation and who want to learn the life-skills which are necessary to make that happen.
This training will give a high level of learning on how to be a leader, how to work as part of a team, and how to respond to daily challenges including the worst situations such as hurricanes, floods, fires, urban fights, etc.
Being prepared and trained for exceptional events can allow us to respond efficiently and safely to any unexpected situation we can encounter in our daily lives. We want to be prepared to live, not only survive, in case of an emergency.