Crises & Emergencies Awareness Seminar

What is it?

It is a 15hour seminar on the basics for response capability with exercises included. It will allow you to be prepared for smaller daily situations and to develop confidence, plus the capacity to cooperate in a team and to develop self-leadership.

We will share valuable and necessary information about:

  • What an emergency is
  • What accidents and exceptional events can occur
  • What strategies we can adopt
  • How to think and move in a team
  • How to train and get ready
  • Which tools and equipment we need
  • How to care for our health
  • How to use plants
  • What to avoid
  • How to live after an emergency
  • How to care for children

This basic seminar gives the mindset necessary to be self-confident in case of an emergency and to raise the awareness of the participants, for them to be responsible for themselves and those who depend on them, especially children.

How does it work?

It can be organized during a weekend, or during the week, according to specific timing requests and can be held everywhere all over the world. It can be completed by specific technical seminars of 15 hours, including exercises and practical experiences on:

  • Orienteering
  • Shelter
  • Survival techniques & tools
  • Water, trapping, fishing
  • Plants for food and healing
  • Teamwork & leadership in an emergency
  • Security and protection of the group

Who is it for?

The CRISES & EMERGENCIES AWARENESS SEMINAR is for every citizen, company, administration, school or community.

Because we care greatly about our children’s protection, we prepare women to be ready to protect their children and men to be the support and the protection for all of them: children and women. We totally include EVERY child: the children are ours even if they are not biologically related to us. Why? Because children are the future of the entire human race.


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Crises & Emergencies

Comprehensive Sustainability

Strategic Design



Comprehensive Sustainability