Vital Strategies
A seminar and training about personal and organizational strategies to respond efficiently and with sensitiveness, to any situation, in our everyday life, on our work, and pursuing our individual and collective goals. An experience to learn the teachings of the Ancient School of Sunzi and other Native Traditions.
We want this experience to share knowledge on how to transform conflicts and challenges. Conflicts are part of our life and frequently part of our job and our relationships. They can be beneficial, creative forces, reaching a better quality in our goals.
Key points of the seminar are:
Sunzi and the dynamics of conflict. How to save and optimize resources and energies. A new mindset for conflicts
How to use the Antagonist forces
How to use the four dynamics to manage a conflict
How to be a team
Courage and Creativity
Choice, authority, responsibility, discernment, discipline
For who is it?
Vital Strategies is open to everyone wanting to acquire valuable tools for personal life improvement. It is available to private companies and public entities that want to train their personnel and teams.
To obtain a new, effective mindset to confront everyday professional challenges.
To achieve better teamwork and leadership of their people and within their organization
XERDAN has a unique VITAL STRATEGIES FOR YOUTH program, aiming to give young people special tools and skills in these challenging and engaging times.
"Not knowing the other and not knowing your Self: every challenge is certain danger."
"Not knowing the other, yet knowing your Self: one victory for one defeat."
“Knowing the other and knowing your Self: hundred challenges without danger” - Sunzi
A seminar and training from Vince A. Di Dato, author of “VITAL STRATEGIES- The Hidden Code of Sunzi”
Contact us for a free lecture and more information.